How to Fight the Good Fight – Leighton Grey QC

Frontier senior fellow Leighton Grey is a lawyer who is working with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) on court challenges to lockdowns and vaccine mandates, as well as […]
Published on November 30, 2021

Frontier senior fellow Leighton Grey is a lawyer who is working with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) on court challenges to lockdowns and vaccine mandates, as well as other related cases. In this recent JCCF podcast he updates us on these proceedings before arbitration boards and the courts, and gives some pointers on how to proceed if you yourself are considering a challenge.  Based in Cold Lake, Alberta, Leighton is also a status Indian whose Great Grandfather was once the Hereditary Chief of the Carry The Kettle or Jack Band at Sintaluta, Saskatchewan.   (67 minutes)


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