Saskatchewan – Canadian Provincial Healthcare Expenditure Analyses – How Bad Is It, Really?

  Healthcare Expenditure Over the past ten years, Saskatchewan’s healthcare expenditure has outpaced the growth rate of the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI) threefold More specifically, Saskatchewan has increased its […]
Published on October 26, 2022


Healthcare Expenditure

  • Over the past ten years, Saskatchewan’s healthcare expenditure has outpaced the growth rate of the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI) threefold
  • More specifically, Saskatchewan has increased its healthcare spending by 39.4% between 2011 and 2021
  • A 19.5% increase between 2013 and 2016 was followed by a relatively stable 1-2% the following two years
  • However, COVID-19 increased spending to 43.6% of total provincial revenue by the end of 2021
  • This trend will continue to increase in correlation to an aging population and new viral variants, predicting a model that will eventually become unsustainable

Population Data

  • Saskatchewan’s population has increased by 18% over the last 20 years
  • The median age has also increased during that time by 4.7%, from 36.4 years in 2001 to 38.1 years in 2021
  • The largest increase has occurred within the 60+ range, by more than 89%
  • An increase in the quantity and age of the population will directly provoke a rise in healthcare expenditure, requiring a perpetually greater portion of provincial revenue
  • Will the citizens of Saskatchewan be able to sustain it?

Source: 2010-2021 Saskatchewan Public Accounts

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