Out From the Shadows: Could Christian Nationalism be the Antidote to Globalist Tyranny?

In Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, Socrates paints a striking portrait of people chained, from birth, deep in a cave by the neck and legs so that they can only […]
Published on October 31, 2022

In Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, Socrates paints a striking portrait of people chained, from birth, deep in a cave by the neck and legs so that they can only see the dark walls inside the cave. Consequently, they only “know” the shadows cast by firelight behind them. There are unchained “puppet masters,” who manipulate their manacled prisoners. Some puppet masters carry objects, such as a sword, between the fire and their captives and utter the word “sword” when its shadow flits across the wall of the cave. Since those in bondage have never seen an actual sword, they come to associate the word “sword” with the apparition projected upon the cave walls. They do not even know what their own words mean. The word “sword” actually means a sharpened metallic weapon, but the prisoners imagine that it is a fleeting shadow dancing across the cave wall.

Conditioned from birth, the prisoners do not even realize that they are in a cave. As well, they have no understanding of what a cave is. They cannot even conceive that they are prisoners.  Their “reality” is a parade of shadows dancing before their eyes. The “puppet masters” have kept them in a state of illusion about both themselves and the world.

When the antagonist, Glaucon, says that these are strange prisoners, Socrates retorts “they are, in fact, like us.”  We are the prisoners in the cave.  The fact that Glaucon finds the image alien shows that he does not know himself. He thinks that he himself is free, but he too is a prisoner being manipulated by puppet masters. He cannot even imagine the extent of his slavery. Plato’s allegory is not a merely a strange fancy. It is an allegory of the human condition. We have no idea what reality is. We do not even know the meanings of our own words. This has never been more true than today.

The point of Plato’s allegory is that tyranny is the norm rather than the exception. Indeed, history chronicles that tyranny is the normal state of humanity. After all, Plato did not reside under Sparta’s military dictatorship, but in Athens, the inaugural democracy, populated by glorious minds such as Pericles, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Aristotle, and Pythagoras. If even Athens in the golden age was a disguised tyranny, then tyranny itself is prevalent in all societies. It is not as though there is tyranny over there, but we are free in Canada. The nature of the control may differ, but the methods of control are so diabolical that Canadians are so deluded that they do not even feel the chains rattling on their necks.

The WOKE puppet masters in government, big corporate, news media, social media, and Hollywood are so arrogant that if you ask too many questions, you are censored. You are told what to think. For sure, you do not want to be a Covid or climate denier. Those claims can only win you the leftist labels of “racist,” “misogynist,” “islamophobe”, “transphobe,” or “conspiracy theorist.”  These terms now attract public scorn. You do not want any trouble; so you announce your pronouns, you call Kaitlin Jenner “she,” and you go along to get along. After a time, you deny what you know to be true until truth itself has no meaning. It is just another shadow flickering along the wall of the cave.

We once thought we knew what a woman was, but now we have an Ontario shop teacher with 80-inch prosthetic breasts and a blond wig asserting the right to be called a woman, against all reason. He knows that he is not a woman, but we are still expected to all play along. We used to know what boys and girls are (one of the great joys in life), but now we are told that boys are girls if they identify as such.

What if someone tells us that they are a boy on MWF, but a girl every other day of the week? It is going to get awfully confusing. But perhaps that is the goal? After all, a conflated, ambivalent, mixed-up peasant class is easy to control.

If the pressure to submit continues on its present course, the day will soon dawn when it is said of us what Orwell wrote of Winston in the closing sentences of “1984”:

“He had won the victory over himself:

He [now] loved Big Brother.”

So, what is the antidote to such tyranny? Putting God, Family, and Country first, as the newly elected Italian Prime Minister Meloni says, ought not to be controversial at all. Nevertheless, it presents an existential threat to authoritarians across the globe. Whether it is today’s Canada or the CCP—God, Family, and Country stand in the way of subjugating free people. These concepts invite people to cease being mesmerized by shadow on cave walls, and instead, turn to gaze into the warm light of philosophy, which literally means “lover of knowledge.”

These three concepts have endured attacks for centuries, and the rationale is simple. If people believe in God, Family, and Country, they are less likely to embrace tyrannical politicians and their faux ideologies. Consequently, this tripartite tenet of democracy and freedom must be destroyed by our puppet masters.

Let us begin with God. Atheism has always existed, but the notion of basing a political system on it only began to take shape during the 18th century. It was philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau who posited that we are fundamentally good but corrupted by society. This perversion of Biblical truths concerning the sinful, hopelessly corrupt, depraved state of man by virtue of original sin led inexorably to the false notion that man and society are corrigible. All we need do is replace the Word of God and Biblical law with secular morality.

Rousseau’s theories were expressed in the French Revolution of 1789. The unfulfilled promises of liberty, equality, and brotherhood were swiftly betrayed and devolved into the Reign of Terror, resulting in tens of thousands of decapitations and assorted murders. Along the way, the historic Notre Dame Cathedral was rebranded the Temple of Reason, other churches were sacked or destroyed, clergymen were killed and exiled, and the Georgian calendar was rejected. The storming of the Bastille did not occur in ‘The Year of Our Lord 1789’, but in Year 1 of what was called the Era of Liberty. In truth, it was a decade of vicious paganism which simply replaced an inherent Monarch with a self-anointed Emperor.

The French Revolution did not bring liberty, equality, and fraternity to France. Instead, it established the template for the Marxist-Leninist Russian Revolution of 1917. Clearly, God has no place in a society ruled by puppet master tyrants. Nor is there a place for family either. Marx declared marriage farcical and called for abolition of the nuclear family. In his 1848 “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, Marx ranted:

The bourgeois claptrap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties and proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labour.

The Marx’s long-time collaborator, Friedrich Engels, echoed the same vile ideas in his 1884 opus entitled “Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State”: “The modern individual family is founded upon the open or concealed domestic slavery of the wife, and modern society is a mass composed of these individual families as its molecules.”

Finally, there is country. Malcontent with deconstructing the institutional foundations of marriage and family, Marx saved his best missives for sovereign nations:  “The communists are reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.” This agenda is crystal clear in the contemporary evil agenda of the World Economic Forum, and Justin Trudeau who describes Canada as a post-nation state with no distinct core identity or shared basic values.

It should not be controversial to prioritize God, Family, and Country, but to put these concepts first is to reject Communism and similarly tyrannical forms of government. Turning one’s gaze away from the wall of the cave and into the light, is to reject the chains placed upon us by the puppet masters. It also means drawing a big target on ourselves.

Our puppet masters understand very well that if individuals place God, Family, and Country first, then they de-prioritize state supremacy. They also know, and the Freedom Convoy proved it that if one person says “no more,” then others will feel empowered. That resistance is, in fact, repugnant to those who believe in the writings of Rousseau, Marx, Engels, Schwab, and their ilk.

The left, our puppet masters, are clearly obsessed with demonizing traditional beliefs, questions and observations. They do this to destroy the cultural ties which bind us as individuals, families, citizens, and as nations.  They do this out of an avaricious appetite for money, power, and control.  The good news is, however, that they can only succeed if we let them continue to tell us that mere shadows are actually swords. We have no reason to believe them anymore.


Leighton Grey is a Senior Fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. He is also Creator & Host of The GreyMatter Podcast

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