Manitoba – Canadian Provincial Healthcare Expenditure Analyses – How Bad Is It, Really?

  Healthcare Expenditure Over the last ten years, Manitoba healthcare spending has increased three times the growth rate of the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI), by 37.9% between 2011 and […]
Published on November 2, 2022


Healthcare Expenditure

  • Over the last ten years, Manitoba healthcare spending has increased three times the growth rate of the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI), by 37.9% between 2011 and 2021
  • From 2011 to 2017, an increase of 27.9% was recorded, followed by stable increases of 1-2% until 2020
  • The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic accelerated spending to 39.6% by the end of 2021
  • The combination of viral COVID-19 permanence and an aging and increasing population will continue to increase the future spending and revenue portion requirement trend to an unsustainable level

Population Data

  • The Manitoba population has grown by 20.2% over the past 20 years
  • The median age has simultaneously increased from 36.4 years in 2001 to 37.8 years in 2021, or 3.9%
  • The 60+ age bracket has increased the most during this period, by 87%
  • An aging population

Source: 2010-2021 Manitoba Public Health Accounts

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