Leaders on the Frontier – The State of Energy in Canada and the World.

Our Topic: The State of Energy in Canada and the World.
Published on January 23, 2023

Our Topic: The State of Energy in Canada and the World.

Affordable, dependable, reliable and secure energy has always been critical to Canada’s prosperity and quality of life.  What is the state of energy in Canada and the world when so many political and media elites and activists have created policies and narratives in opposition particularly to oil and natural gas?  Is there a path forward for Canadian energy and what is at stake for all Canadians?

Many Federal government policies are indeed designed to suppress and end the benefits of Canada’s immense energy resources wealth.  Policies including carbon taxes, environmental social governance indexes (ESG) and so called “net-zero” are all based on the unproven theory that climate warming is an existential threat and that carbon dioxide is a pollutant.  And Canadians continue to forfeit untold hundreds of billions in the form of a market discount because of our inability to build more pipelines to more markets.

And yet the world-wide demand for oil and gas continues to reach record levels as so many nations, particularly China and India continue their rapid economic development.  Meanwhile, so-called “green energy” such as solar and wind are all intermittent and dependent on fossil fuels for back up.  At the same time, many European nations are reintroducing energy from natural gas and coal given the decreased supplies from Russia . Germany in particular and more recently Japan have sought out a Canadian energy including Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and have been turned down by  a federal government hostile to these opportunities.

Given this complex and uncertain context, how do we understand the realities of energy and its opportunities for Canada and the need to create an incisive roadmap that will serve not only Canadians but the world?  How are the Federal government’s anti-energy policies impacting Canadians?

Be sure to join us for the next Leaders on the Frontier with legendary corporate and energy industry leader Gwyn Morgan as we explore the follies of current energy policies.  Mr. Morgan will outline the urgent need to return to policy decisions that recognize the reality of energy domestically and internationally.  Mr. Morgan will overview fascinating background regarding Canada’s world recognized energy industry and how it has been systematically undermined and why Canadians should care and what needs to be done to enable it for the benefit of everyone,


Our Guest: Mr. Gwyn Morgan CM
Gwyn Morgan devoted three decades to building North America’s leading EnCana Corporation into Canada’s largest energy company. Gwyn has served as a director of five global corporations including London based HSBC, the world’s largest global bank. He has been recognized as Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year TM and also as Canada’s Most Respected CEO. In 2011, Governor General David Johnston announced his appointment as a Member of the Order of Canada.  He is retired and lives in Victoria, BC


Your Host: David Leis

Date: Friday, February 10, 3 pm CST

Background informationGwyn Morgan: The disastrous consequences of the green movement, Financial Post, July 15, 2022


Live on the Frontier Youtube channel and recording available on Gettr and Rumble

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