What do you think of the National Citizens Inquiry?

Poll Question: March 15, 2023 to March 21 , 2023 Three years ago governments around the world imposed the never before used policy of locking down their economies in response […]
Published on March 15, 2023

Poll Question: March 15, 2023 to March 21 , 2023

Three years ago governments around the world imposed the never before used policy of locking down their economies in response to the Covid 19 respiratory virus.

 The Charter of Rights was eviscerated with forced closures of businesses, the imposition of mandatory masking, and vaccine mandates which forced million to take an untested gene therapy on pain of losing their livelihood. Millions lost their rights to travel.   The vaccines flopped – increasing chances of infection and mortality from Covid 19.    Government subsidies to offset the deliberate collapsing of the economy dramatically increased debt while precipitating an inflationary bubble that is now damaging living standards thanks to falling purchasing power, supply disruptions, potential bank collapses and likely recession.

This imposition of quasi-medical martial law is now regarded as the biggest public policy mistake in recent human history. C 19 turned out to be about as lethal as a strong flu outbreak. The average age of death around the world was slightly higher than the average lifespan. The young were never in any danger and neither were healthy adults.

There has been no rush by governments and politicians to investigate how badly things went wrong.  Clearly there is a need for in independent inquiry to examine the debacle and recommend reforms to make sure it never happens again.

In Canada, an independent Citizens Inquiry is now underway holding hearings in 8 Canadian cities from March to May.

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What do you think of the National Citizens Inquiry?

Background information – https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/nci-live/

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