Post Pandemic Penance for Canadian Politicians

Our government regulators utterly failed us

The COVID pandemic response is slowly being revealed as probably the worst fiasco Public Health has ever known. Canadians are dead, injured and traumatized by what was done to us to “protect” us from COVID. Canadians also found out we can’t use our Charter of Rights to protect ourselves from the over zealous protectors. As soon as anyone got close to a judgment on charter rights after years and tens of thousands of dollars, government just dropped the rules violating our rights and said “Hey it’s moot.” The courts agreed. So, what do we do?

We need new laws making it impossible to shut down businesses, stores and churches “just in case.” If a restaurant is full of cockroaches and patrons are getting sick, then yes, Public Health should be able to shut it down. But if Public Health thinks just maybe someone might spread something they should not be able to impose lockdowns or tell us how many guests we can have on our homes “just in case.” We must never again be required to only shop in a big box store, eat only take out, or deny dear old Uncle Roy Thanksgiving dinner because of some bureaucrat.

We also need a law making it illegal to ever ask anyone their vaccination status. We have mandates now but people could always get exemptions so it didn’t violate our rights. This time the government abused people by denying all exemptions. The terrible divisions and awful consequences of our personal choices would never have happened if no one was allowed to ask for a vax pass again, ever.

Government should be required to release all data as it becomes available in raw form. They can anonymize data to protect privacy. Today, they get to play games with statistics hiding stuff. Admittedly most of us don’t know enough about statistics to make head nor tail of raw data. However there enough independent researchers out there who are happy to double check the government’s stats. The UK even has an independent auditor whose only job is to keep government bureaucrats honest. It wouldn’t hurt Canada to have such an auditor that outside experts could complain to and who had the power to make bureaucrats behave.

Our government regulators utterly failed us. They had all the data showing the jab was neither safe nor effective before the first vaccine went into any Canadian arm. Maybe these regulators were just incompetent but the current system requires Big Pharma pay their salaries. Plus, many of them get cushy jobs with Big Pharma when they leave government. We can fix that by making it a law that independent experts must be on our regulatory boards. These experts must have never and will never work for Big Pharma. Our taxes should pay them so these regulators work for us, not them.

This fiasco of absurd and harmful policies was inflicted on Canadians mostly because our media left us terrified and told us only one side of things. All that mega advertising money from Big Pharma probably had something to do with that. So, no more advertising or donations from Big Pharma to media, charities, universities, medical journals, or those folks in charge of taking away a doctor’s license for criticizing Public Health policy. We need to treat Big Pharma the same way we now treat Big Tobacco.

We need a law that states people in health care settings can not be denied visitors. Research on the spread of the virus showed that visitors are even more careful about infection control than staff and visitors, especially in long term care homes, are good for residents. Florida has already created such laws. We need them in Canada.

Finally, we need a law so that no one ever gets liability protection. Everyone from the researcher in the lab to the public health nurse sticking the needle in the arm should be liable. Anyone who promotes a harmful product and hides data, including journalists, social media, and those professional medical associations that gagged our doctors and nurses should be liable. How many people in the endless chain of compliance would have jabbed their fellow Canadians or told them to go get vaxxed if they knew they could get sued for it later when someone got injured or killed?

It’s going to take years for us to figure out who is to blame for the worst public policy disaster in history. It’s going to take even longer to decide justice and compensation. We don’t need to wait years to get some good lawyers together to create laws that will protect us from another round of pandemic hysteria. A lot of Canadian politicians are responsible for causing real harm to Canadians. Those politicians have some really serious penance to do. They can start by passing these new laws.


Natalie K Björklund-Gordon BSc (Biochem) PhD (Human Genetics) from University of Manitoba. She is the coauthor of the book Embryogenesis Explained (World Scientific) and has 18 peer reviewed publications in Embryogenesis and the genetic epidemiology of complications of pregnancy. She lives in Alonsa, Manitoba.

Her testimony to the National Citizens Inquiry in Winnipeg, April 14th , 2023 can be viewed here.

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