Sheila Lewis: Removed From The Organ Transplant List For Not Taking The Vaccine

National Citizens Inquiry
Published on August 31, 2023

In 2019 Sheila Lewis was diagnosed with a terminal illness and was placed on the wait list for a double-organ transplant that would allow her to live out her normal life. After hesitating to take take the COVID-19 vaccination she was removed from the transplant wait list by Alberta Health Services.

“All I wanted to do was be able to breathe,” she said. “And I did everything that the doctors asked me to do. And I didn’t drink, and I didn’t smoke, and I didn’t do drugs. And I took all my vaccinations and I ate healthy. I’ve lost some weight. You know, I did my exercises. I went to the programs. I did everything. All I want to do is live. I want to see my grand-babies raised. But it’s not going to happen now. They just won’t bend.”

Sheila Annette Lewis passed away in August 2023. See related commentary by John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms here.

View on Youtube here and Rumble here. (47 minutes)

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