The Federal Court recently overturned the Federal Government’s order to add certain single use plastics to the list of Federally banned toxic substances. What hasn’t been reported by the media is that the deciding Federal Court Judge, Angela Fulanetto (appointed to the bench in 2021 by Justin Trudeau), was originally a Biochemist, having graduated with a Masters in the subject from Western University. It is highly likely that Judge Flianetto understands chemistry better than any other judge in Canada. Her decision was simply based on the obvious fact that it was a contradiction for the government decide that plastic straws or single use plastic bags were toxic, but that plastic covering of food, or plastic garbage bags are not toxic. She observed that the government made no reasonable case for designating plastic toxic for one use, but not toxic for the other.
Background information – Federal court overturns Ottawa’s ban on single use plastics – True North News, November 19, 2023
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