Frontier Live on X – Ches Crosbie and Ken Drysdale on the Release of the NCI Report

Big Topics & Big Ideas
Published on December 3, 2023

NCI CIC Board of Directors Ches Crosbie and NCI Commissioner Chair Ken Drysdale discuss with David Leis the National Citizens Inquiry commissioner report relating to the governments handling of COVID-19 in Canada and highlighting the results of the citizen led inquiry. (60 minutes)


Ches Crosbie KC is a lawyer and former Leader of the Opposition in Newfoundland, serving from April 2018 until March 2021. His volunteer activities include the Atlantic Charter Foundation, which commemorates the August 1941 meeting in Newfoundland waters of wartime leaders Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, who famously told the the free world, “We have nothing to fear except fear itself.” Ches Crosbie serves as the Chairman of the National Citizens Inquiry.

Ken Drysdale, FEC, P.Eng is an executive engineer with over 40 years of experience as a Professional Engineer, which includes 29 years experience in the development and management of national and regional engineering businesses. Ken is currently retired from full time practice as a consulting engineer, but continues to be active in the area of forensic engineering, investigations, preparation of expert reports and expert testimony at trial, arbitrations, and mediations. He has testified as expert witness at trials in Manitoba and Ontario. He has acted as the arbitrator and mediator in disputes.


Watch on X here. (December 3rd 2023)

Related Items:

Watch: Ken Drysdale Chairman of the Commissioners of the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI), review the NCI’s Final Report here. (40 minutes) December 19, 2023.

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