John Bonnett: As A Prof At Brock University, I Don’t Want The ‘Woke Class’ Telling Me What To Say

Universities must remain strictly neutral on issues, save for one thing: the defence of academic freedom
Published on December 8, 2023

The West has traditionally relied on universities to generate and vet ideas — without fear or favour — to meet the geopolitical, technological, economic and social problems that confront it. To meet that mandate, universities, as institutions, have traditionally remained neutral: the individual academic may express an opinion; the host institution may not.

That ethic, unfortunately, has given way over the past decade as universities in Canada and elsewhere have transformed themselves into partisan agents for social justice. Consider the price of that transformation.

In June 2020, my colleague Tomáš Hudlický saw his career and his standing at Brock University destroyed over the course of two days.

His offence? On June 5, the German journal Angewandte Chemie had briefly posted an online article in which the organic chemist offered mild criticism of the hiring practices in his field. In organic chemistry, Hudlický argued, the numbers of women and minorities in the professoriate had reached a threshold where preferential hiring was unnecessary. The insistence that the demographic profile of every profession match that of the larger populace was counterproductive, he wrote, particularly when it resulted in “discrimination against the most meritorious candidates.”

After posting, the article provoked an immediate firestorm on Twitter. In plainer terms, Hudlický, who sadly passed away last year, was subjected to an academic mobbing, one that effectively ended his ability to function as a researcher in his field. On June 7, instead of defending Hudlický’s right to express his opinion, Brock Provost Greg Finn wrote an open letter to the Brock community that censured him. Hudlický’s statements, Finn claimed, were “not representative of the Brock community” and did not reflect “the principles of inclusivity, diversity and equity included in the university’s mission.” Putting the matter simply, in the Hudlický affair my university failed one of its most distinguished researchers.

And now once again, Brock U has opened itself to justifiable criticism on another, but related front.

On Nov. 27 the university hosted a panel on Palestine in which the organizers promised to “analyze the roots” of the Gaza crisis based on their “commitment to decolonization.” At the event, all four panelists, including Shree Paradkar from the Toronto Star, suggested that Israeli operations in Gaza could or should be considered acts of genocide.

Unfortunately, there was nothing particularly exceptional about the panel, save for one thing: it was hosted by the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity and Decolonization. “This is a huge barrier to jump” as Jon Kay rightly posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Nov. 20.

It is one thing for university professors to organize such an event. They have every right. It is quite another for the university itself to host it. It is a distinction that Brock President Lesley Rigg to date has refused to acknowledge. When my Brock colleagues Murray Miles, Ron Thomson and I wrote on Nov. 21 to protest her administration’s violation of institutional neutrality, she replied simply that “Brock is committed to upholding its Freedom of Expression Policy.” Rigg, in short, evaded the issue by answering a different question.

Universities are public institutions and ultimately Canadians must decide if the actions typified by Rigg, Brock University and the university sector generally should be allowed to stand. I for one believe that they should not. Much of the dysfunction and partiality displayed by the contemporary university can be traced to a single factor: the woke class. It is this class that presumes to regulate what we say. It is this class that presumes to decolonize what we do. And it is this class that has presumed to leverage the university for its own purposes. No single cohort of society should be permitted that privilege.

To reverse that damage, citizens should insist that provincial governments constrain the autonomy of university administrators. One way such a program could be effected is to follow a strategy proposed by legal scholar Bruce Pardy: insert clear, simple directives into the charter legislation of universities. Pardy has pressed for a directive to support academic freedom. I would extend that call to include a directive mandating institutional neutrality, as defined in the landmark 1967 University of Chicago Kalven Report. Universities should be banned from issuing official statements. When an administrator tries to issue one, the province should grant itself the right to remove said official.

Institutional neutrality is an issue worth fighting for because our society needs people like Tomáš Hudlický, individuals who are willing to say uncomfortable things, individuals who will say those things even if they enrage university colleagues. To attain that, even on issues like Gaza or the George Floyd murder, universities must remain strictly neutral, save for one thing: the defence of academic freedom. Governments and citizens must stop the patronizing attempts of administrative elites to recast the university in their own image.


John Bonnett is an Associate Professor and former Tier II Canada Research Chair with the Department of History at Brock University. He is also a Senior Fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. First published here.

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