Groundbreaking Paper Explores The Forces Molding Canada’s Future

Published on March 21, 2024

WINNIPEG, March 21, 2024 – The Frontier Centre for Public Policy has released a groundbreaking paper titled Canada 2024: A Confident Resilient Nation or a Fearful Fractured Country? The paper was written by David Redman, an officer in the Canadian Army for 27 years, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. The paper delves deep into the shifting socio-political landscape of Canada, examining the dichotomy between confidence and fear shaping the nation’s future.

According to the paper, a successful nation is characterized by a unified populace sharing common values and defended borders. Until Canadians and their elected leaders align on the country’s national interests, the country will continue to lack unity, stumbling from one crisis to another. If the politicization of minor issues persists, attention will be diverted from critical national concerns.

Furthermore, Redman writes that the concept of a “post-national state” espoused by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is dangerous and misleading. The report emphasizes the importance of national governments in dealing with emergencies, reaffirming that nations must prioritize their own crises before relying on external aid.

Identifying Canadian national interests is just the initial step. The report advocates breaking down these interests into clear and attainable objectives, accompanied by measurable performance indicators. Policies should undergo public debate before finalization, ensuring alignment with national priorities and effective implementation strategies.

“Canada stands at a critical juncture after eight years of embracing “post-national” and “socialist” ideals,” Redman says. The nation has transitioned from a confident society with a thriving economy to one characterized by apologies and internal divisions. To secure its future, Canada must foster national pride among its citizens and prioritize the country’s interests over divisive wedge issues.

Redman concludes by urging Canadian teenagers to take pride in their nation and actively contribute to securing its future prosperity. “By working together towards a shared vision of a thriving Canada,” Redman says, “the promise of 1967 can be realized and sustained for generations to come.”

Click here to download the Report. (20 pages)

Watch David Redman speak about the report on Frontier Live on X  (63 minutes), March 21, 2024.

For more information:

David Redman

David Leis
VP Development and Engagement

About David Redman

David Redman served as an officer in the Canadian Army for 27 years, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was posted 19 times to operations in Germany, Egypt, the Former Republic of Yugoslavia, the U.S., and across Canada. In 2000, he joined what is now the Alberta Emergency Management Agency (EMA). Following September 11, 2001, he led the development and implementation of the Alberta Crisis Management Counter-Terrorism Plan.

He became the head of EMA in 2004 and led the Alberta response to the devastating floods of June 2005. He also led the development of the 2005 Provincial Pandemic Influenza Plan. He retired from EMA in December 2005, continuing to work as an expert in Emergency Management provincially, nationally and internationally until 2013, when he fully retired.

Redman has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada and a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the United States Naval Postgraduate School. He is also a graduate of the Canadian Land Forces Command and Staff College in Kingston, Ontario, and the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College in Toronto, Ontario.

About the Frontier Centre for Public Policy

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is an independent, non-partisan think tank that conducts research and analysis on a wide range of public policy issues. Committed to promoting economic freedom, individual liberty, and responsible governance, the Centre aims to contribute to informed public debates and shape effective policies that benefit Canadians.

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