Leaders on the Frontier – Resilient Nation or a Fractured Country? – With David Redman

Big Topics & Big Ideas

Six things that could make Canada thrive not just survive. Host David Leis is joined by Lieutenant Colonel David Redman to talk about the state of Canada in 2024 and whether Canada is a confident, resilient nation or a fearful, fractured country. It’s clear, a new vision is needed for Canada’s future. (67 minutes)

Watch on YouTube here and Rumble here.


Related Items:

Read: Policy Series – Canada 2024: A Confident Resilient Nation or a Fearful Fractured Country? (20 pages), March 21, 2024.

Watch: Canada Deviated From Strategic Pandemic Response Lt. Colonel David Redman. (130 minutes)

Read: The Redman Plan,  April 15, 2023.

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