An ironic GREEN Future

This is your future. Huddled around wood stoves to keep warm because electricity is too expensive because of subsidies paid to rich people who own wind farms and solar panels
Published on January 21, 2013

A great irony of today’s GREEN policies is the damage they are actually inflicting on our environment, not to mention the pocketbooks of regular folks, particularly low income families.  Check out this from the blog Sunshine hours –

Germans and Greeks Stealing Trees To Keep Warm

Filed under: Mockery,Morons,wood,wood burning — sunshinehours1 @ 8:52 AM


“With energy costs escalating, more Germans are turning to wood burning stoves for heat. That, though, has also led to a rise in tree theft in the country’s forests. Woodsmen have become more watchful.”


“Greeks, desperate to find fuel to stay warm because they can’t afford heating oil that has been hit with big tax increases, have been taking to the woods and even city parks to cut down trees and now authorities said someone has felled the olive tree under which Plato sat in ancient times.”

(h/t Ice Age Now)

This is your future. Huddled around wood stoves to keep warm  because electricity is too expensive because of subsidies paid to rich people who own wind farms and solar panels.

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