Bipartisan Drug Policy Reform

The Huffington Post has an interesting article today about the growing bipartisan nature of drug policy reform in the United States.
Published on October 16, 2012

The Huffington Post has an interesting article today about the growing bipartisan nature of drug policy reform in the United States.

From Pat Robertson to Tom Tancredo, Republicans and conservatives have been lining up to endorse measures that will be on the ballott in a number of states at the November election:

“What is the law against marijuana if it isn’t the Nanny State telling you what you can do and what you can’t do to your body and with your body?” asked Tancredo, a former Republican congressman from suburban Denver who briefly ran for president in 2008 and endorsed the measure on the steps of the state capitol. He compared federal law to New York City’s ban on sugary sodas.

It certainly will be interesting to follow the results of these ballot measures come November 6th.


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