
Greetings all, My name is Peter McCaffrey and I’m the FCPP’s new Policy Analyst in Regina, Saskatchewan. I’m a 24 year old graduate from Wellington, New Zealand and found out […]
Published on April 20, 2012

Greetings all,

My name is Peter McCaffrey and I’m the FCPP’s new Policy Analyst in Regina, Saskatchewan.

I’m a 24 year old graduate from Wellington, New Zealand and found out about the Frontier Centre via fellow New Zealander David Seymour who introduced me to Peter Holle a few years ago.

In New Zealand I finished a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations and have almost finished a Bachelor of Science in Operations Research and Statistics at Victoria University of Wellington.

I’ve been involved in organising, researching and speaking for everything from student politics to national election campaigns and particular policy and issue based campaigns. Most significantly I headed up a five year long campaign to make student union membership voluntary in New Zealand – a campaign which was successful in getting the law changed in 2011.

Here in Canada I’m looking forward to carrying out research and writing about a variety of issues and I have a particular interest in Technology and Education.



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