Manitoba Bold

First step to undoing Manitoba's perennial policy backwater reputation as a transfer payment dependent province with uncompetitive taxes.
Published on May 27, 2011
Manitoba Bold

Jim Carr, Peter Holle, Chris Lorenc and Dave Angus

Kudos to the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and the Manitoba Heavy Construction Association for putting on an event about bold policy ideas for Manitoba. I was happy to help stir the pot on the opening panel at their Manitoba Bold Conference in Winnipeg on May 25th which considered “a new revenue model for Manitoba.”  Some thoughts shared by the panel included a preference for consumption taxes instead of income taxes, a move to market prices for hydro electricity prices offset by lower taxes, eliminating the payroll tax, and one of Frontier’s favourite ideas for the province – swapping equalization for the GST in a package that requires harmonization with the PST and a one point allocation to local government on a per capita basis.

Manitoba and Winnipeg are often seen to be places where good ideas go to die and politics dominate the most mundane aspects of community and economic life.   More out of the box thinking, and forums like this, is part of a more dynamic way forward.

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