So bloody-well obvious!

David Cameron communicates bold reform clearly in a Daily Telegraph op-ed.
Published on February 21, 2011

David Cameron writes an op-ed in the Daily Telegraph:

…instead of having to justify why it makes sense to introduce competition in some public services – as we are now doing with schools and in the NHS – the state will have to justify why it should ever operate a monopoly.


…to give our principle of choice real bite, we will also create a new presumption that services should be delivered at the lowest possible level. Working from this presumption, we will devolve power even further.

Yes, that is David Cameron the Prime Minister of Great Britain. The whole thing is well worth the read. How many political leaders currently in power can you imagine submitting an op-ed to a major daily and transparently laying out their policy direction when that direction is major, once in a generation reform?

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