Why ‘Have’ Provinces Hate Equalization

Feedback to Mark Milke's How Equalization Punishes Canadians in High-Cost Provinces Policy Note.
Published on January 28, 2010

Mark Milkes article about the woes of equalization makes some great points but alas it only tells part of the story. Most of the transfers to New Brunswick go to pay for a very wellfed civil service and other government friends and it does very little good for the majority of people. Actually, the large income tax my house pays to fund the governments hurts me. There are other forms of transfer payments made to various provinces both monetary and in the form of laws and policies. The aerospace industry in Quebec is a result of large government investments including the creation of Mirabel airport. Some of the federal agriculture rules hurt certain provinces. We need a government that is fair and helpful to all areas, not one that cherry picks. Tom Hickie, Fredericton

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