Manitobans Split on Whether to Sell Water to the United States

If you live in Winnipeg or are below age 55, you are more likely to favour selling water from Hudson's Bay to the United States; if you live in a rural area or are over 55, you are likely to be opposed. Those are the results of a new poll released by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and conducted by Probe Research. Overall, 46% of Manitobans favour selling water to the United States and 45% are opposed.
Published on July 6, 2009

“All things considered, do you support or oppose selling a small portion of fresh water currently flowing into the Hudson Bay to the United States?”

Details of Poll

• 46% in favour (20% strongly supportive and 26% moderately supportive);
• 45% opposed (32% strongly opposed and 13% moderately opposed);

In Winnipeg:
• 46% in favour (23% strongly supportive and 23% moderately supportive);
• 44% opposed (32% strongly opposed and 12% moderately opposed);

Rural Manitoba:
• 44% in favour (15% strongly supportive and 29% moderately supportive);
• 47% opposed (33% strongly opposed and 14% moderately opposed);

By gender- Manitoba
• Males: 49% in favour (23% strongly supportive and 26% moderately supportive);
• Males: 45% opposed (33% strongly opposed and 12% moderately opposed);

• Females: 42% in favour (16% strongly supportive and 26% moderately supportive);
• Females: 46% opposed (32% strongly opposed and 16% moderately opposed);

By age: 18-34 Manitoba
• 52% in favour (22% strongly supportive and 30% moderately supportive);
• 41% opposed (27% strongly opposed and 14% moderately opposed);

By age: 35-54 Manitoba
• 46% in favour (19% strongly supportive and 27% moderately supportive);
• 45% opposed (32% strongly opposed and 13% moderately opposed);

By age: 55+ Manitoba
• 38% in favour (17% strongly supportive and 21% moderately supportive);
• 50% opposed (40% strongly opposed and 10% moderately opposed);

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