The Impact of Teachers’ Unions on Education Policy

The primary goals of teachers’ unions are different from, and often incompatible with, those of effective schools.
Published on August 28, 2008

Executive Summary

• Teachers’ unions were formed for the express purpose of improving working conditions for teachers.

• These unions make substantial contributions to public policy and are actively involved in attempting to influence governments.

• It is important to note that the primary goals of teachers’ unions are different from, and often incompatible with, those of effective schools.

• Teachers’ unions oppose accountability measures such as standardized testing, and they advocate for collective agreements that restrict the flexibility of school boards to meet the needs of students.

• Teachers’ unions support substantial increases in education spending but have not indicated what level of funding is sufficient.

• Class-size limits are a major goal of teachers’ unions despite the lack of evidence that they improve student learning.

• Before adopting proposals made by teachers’ unions, governments need to remember that teachers’ unions place the interests of their members first.

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