The Potential for Grass Biofuel Pellets

A crop that grows naturally on the North American prairies could help solve our energy problems while providing farmers with an important new source of revenue.
Published on January 28, 2006

Executive Summary

  • A combination of circumstances has opened up unprecedented opportunities for biofuel development.
  • They include higher energy costs, low commodity prices and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The use of switchgrass as an alternative heating fuel is emerging as a solution that addresses all these problems simultaneously.
  • North American farmland has a unique natural capacity for producing grasses that are highly suitable for use as a substitute fuel.
  • The development of new burning systems for pelletized grass has opened the door to cost-efficient use of switchgrass as a heating fuel.
  • In terms of carbon dioxide emissions, the burning of biofuel pellets is far superior to rates for conventional fuels.
  • The economic advantages of widespread conversion to the use of biofuel pellets for thermal energy are considerable.
  • Further development of this nascent industry will profoundly alter North American energy markets in a positive direction.


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