Should We Close Our Borders?

Daniel Klymchuk, Director of the Frontier Centre's Immigration Frontiers Project defends the case for more immigration in a critique of a recent paper by immigration critic Martin Collacott.
Published on July 22, 2003



  • A recent Fraser Institute study argues that Canada takes in too many immigrants.
  • It claims that our economy performs better during periods of lower immigration, but its use of statistics is highly selective. Immigration has historically promoted economic expansion.
  • It cites American evidence that immigration harms the bottom end of the labour market, but the circumstances cited do not apply to Canada.
  • Wage competition between new immigrants and former ones does exist, but the effect is temporary.
  • The study blames immigration for Canada’s brain drain, but other factors drive it.
  • The shortage of skilled workers is minimized, and the need for immigrants to augment their ranks ignored.
  • The paper fails to address Canada’s increasing proportion of workers to non-workers.
  • Despite included evidence to the contrary, the study insists that the costs of immigration outweigh the benefits.
  • The study worries about costs of immigrant social services, but the social investment they bring with them more than compensates for them.
  • Given Canada’s long tradition of tolerance and assimilation, social impacts are not as serious as the paper suggests. Immigrant crime rates are low, not merely underreported.
  • Overall, higher immigration levels do not hurt Canada, they benefit the country.Read this 10 page paper in pdf format Should We Close Our Borders – Canada’s Immigration Policy

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