Healthcare user fees in Germany

Germany's besieged Chancellor plans to introduce a fee for every visit to a doctor as part of a package of reforms to the country's moribund welfare state.
Published on March 27, 2003

Mr Schröder’s other main target for reform is Germany’s overburdened and inefficient health system, which is one of the world’s most expensive. Health-insurance contributions, shared equally by employer and worker, have shot up and now represent 14.4% of gross wages. Mr Schröder wants to bring that down to under 13%. Though he has rejected proposals for the removal of certain services like dentistry and sporting accidents from the state system, he has decided to require private insurance for long-term sickness benefit, hitherto paid by the public health-insurance companies, and to transfer other benefits not related to health, such as maternity grants, to taxes. He also plans to introduce a fee for every visit to a doctor.

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