Australian Doctor Warns of “Spikeopathy” from mRNA COVID Vaccines

The lead author of a medical literature review says the spike protein of the virus and made by mRNA vaccines is “pathogenic” – in other words it causes disease. Peter […]
Published on October 24, 2023

The lead author of a medical literature review says the spike protein of the virus and made by mRNA vaccines is “pathogenic” – in other words it causes disease.

Peter Parry and six other Australian researchers published “Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA” in the journal Biomedicines in August. The paper said the term “spikeopathy” reflects “the toxicity of the spike protein—both from the virus and also when produced by gene codes in the novel COVID-19 mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines.”

Besides the spike proteins, other “key problem areas” include the “inflammatory properties of certain lipid-nanoparticles used to ferry mRNA”, “N1-methylpseudouridine in the synthetic mRNA that causes long-lasting action,” “widespread biodistribution of the mRNA and DNA codes via the lipid-nanoparticle and the viral-vector carrier matrices,” and “the problem of human cells producing a foreign protein that can engender autoimmunity.”

Parry is an associate professor at the University of Queensland, and one of an estimated 7,000 health researcher staff who were suspended or terminated from their jobs in Queensland for refusing the genetic vaccines.

The psychiatrist completed a PhD thesis on the overdiagnosis of bipolar disorder in children that involved reading internal pharmaceutical company documents that had been subpoenaed and then released by courts following convictions for data fraud, off-label marketing, kickbacks, and other felonies. The documents outlined dubious data manipulation practices by the industry.

“As a matter of systemic practice, the companies’ own internal documents reveal they suppress adverse event data, and they spin and magnify positive benefits data. And that’s what clinicians and researchers and health bureaucrats and the media see in the peer-reviewed, published medical academic literature,” Parry explained in an interview with this author.

“It’s not evidence-based, it’s marketing-based. Pfizer itself says that the ‘purpose of [their] data is to support marketing of their products’. It was emotionally very disturbing to me at the time to discover no commitment to scientific integrity or medical ethics in thousands of pages of internal drug company documents.”

In 2010, Parry and a co-author penned the article “From Evidence-Based Medicine to Marketing-Based Medicine: Evidence from Internal Industry Documents” on what they found in Big Pharma documents released by courts after fines totaling billions. This left him skeptical about claims for ‘safe and efficacious’ on newly patented pharmaceutical products.

Parry said it has long been known that medical journals publish company- sponsored drug trials, even though this compromises the studies’ objectivity. He noted that senior, both past and current chief-editors of the BMJ, Peter Doshi, Fiona Godlee, and Kamran Abassi, authored an editorial pointing out that without access to the raw data from the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trials, it was difficult to trust the claims of the efficacy and safety of the vaccines.

Doshi co-authored a paper in the journal Vaccine, based on data from Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccine clinical trials, showed a rate of one serious adverse event per 800 injections, which is much higher than 1 per 800 patients This contrasts with the assurances of safety offered by company-sponsored authors published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Doshi also published in November 2020 that the absolute risk reduction by COVID-19 vaccines was less than 1%. He pointed out the vaccine trials weren’t “designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths…[or] interrupt transmission of the virus.”

Parry and colleagues’ 50-page paper has 253 references, while a similar review in an Elsevier journal Pathology – Research and Practice, had 448 references and reached the same conclusions. Ninety references overlap with Parry et al.’s paper, which is now the third-most read in Biomedicines’ history.

“For the pharmaceutical industry, profits appear to take precedence over medical ethical principles of non-maleficence or beneficence. This is effectively acknowledged by the AllTrials campaign – that was initiated by the BMJ and signed by over 700 medical institutions – which calls for access to the commercially in-confidence data that often fails to make it into the journals,” Parry said.

“Unfortunately, the AllTrials campaign goals have not been achieved. So, to me, when they bought out these genetic vaccines, I thought, I’m not going to trust this unless I investigate it further.” Parry networked with “numerous colleagues in general medicine, cardiology, molecular biology, virology, microbiology, pathology, immunology, vaccinology, etc.” and some teamed up with him to co-author the literature review.

Parry said the problem of spikeopathy from the mRNA vaccines was revealed by a Pfizer rat biodistribution study that showed the gene code went “everywhere in the body, every single organ” instead of being isolated to the shoulder, as is typical for injections under the skin.

“The lipid nanoparticle passes through every cell membrane, so that the modified long-lasting RNA will go to the ribosomes inside cells and produce the spike protein, which, as our paper pointed out, causes inflammation and has various mechanisms of toxicity. However, there’s evidence the nanoparticle itself is also pro-inflammatory.”

Parry noted the biodistribution study only came to light through Freedom of Information endeavors, originally by Canadian virologist and prof Byram Bridle and colleagues to the Japanese regulator. Later another FOI process showed our Australian regulator had the biodistribution study in January 2021, at time of the vaccine rollout.

“The urgency to get a vaccine out at that time was great, but this was vital information that was not made known to health services, providers, or the public,” Parry said.

“It appears a failure of regulatory agencies that are there to protect the public. Asking “why?” is a good question. Because such agencies are mostly funded by the industry, a paper in the BMJ even asks whether such agencies are ‘for hire’. But groupthink and urgency to confront the pandemic would be sufficient explanation.”

Parry can work in other Australian states because he joined a 2022 booster clinical trial of a vaccine developed with traditional non-genetic technology by Nikolai Petrovsky, a professor in South Australia – one that minimizes or eliminates the problems outlined in Parry et al.’s paper.

“Prof Petrovsky’s lab removed the receptor binding domain, the bit at the very end, that grabs onto the ACE receptor and gains entry into the cells,” Parry explained. “There’s no genetic replication, anyway. It’s a standard dose I received in my deltoid muscle and with no lipid nanoparticle to carry it around my body.”

Petrovsky’s vaccine was not approved for general use in Australia, but did get a 2021 stage three clinical trial in Iran. It had a 65% efficacy rate during that country’s Delta wave, was authorized by the Iranian regulator, and administered millions of times without the serious adverse events typical of the genetic vaccines.

Parry stressed safe vaccines are vital, and that he and his co-authors concluded that most non-Western countries have traditional non-genetic COVID-19 vaccines available for their health providers to give to their citizens. Western regulators could approve these.

Parry said studies reviewed in their paper also found that the Pfizer and Moderna booster shots correlated with increasingly high levels of  IgG4 antibody which reduces the virus-neutralizing IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies immune response against the virus. Possibly related to this, Parry et al.’s paper showed official Australian NSW state health department data during the final six weeks of 2022, when Omicron variants prevailed, that hospitalization and admission to intensive care units rose with each booster dose of the vaccine.

“We also reviewed evidence, from spikeopathy induced immune dysfunction, particularly of T-cells, which are essential defenders against cancers and infection.”

Parry said there is research and a growing medical literature for therapy for spikeopathy, from either the virus or the genetic vaccines. Websites such as, and provide more information.


Lee Harding is a Research Fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

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