COVID Revelations Bring Hope for Accountability

The machinations behind Covid times are coming to light, giving hope that accountability will soon follow. Journalist and Author Elizabeth Nickson (and Frontier Senior Fellow) said so in a recent […]
Published on December 15, 2023

The machinations behind Covid times are coming to light, giving hope that accountability will soon follow.

Journalist and Author Elizabeth Nickson (and Frontier Senior Fellow) said so in a recent substack post entitled Closing in on the Covid Conspirators. The former Time journalist recalled her early days at the publication when “Ten reporters, five researchers, three fact checkers, two or three writers and a couple of editors would go to work for a couple of months and produce fifteen or twenty thousand definitive words.”

Those days are long gone, she wistfully observes.  Even so, she has remarkably pulled together a big-picture snapshot of the rapidly advancing Covid mRNA vaccine debacle from knowledge and research in the public domain.

“Injury and mechanisms of injury data are pouring in weekly,” Nickson writes.

“Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and J&J are being sued across every jurisdiction in every country. Millions of people have been damaged, Edward Dowd estimates two million in the U.S., alone, and another physicist/statistician Denis Rancourt claims there have been as many as seventeen million deaths, worldwide,” Nickson says.

The Gateway Pundit published a list of 90 U.S. lawyers ready to take vaccine injury claims to court. The U.S. Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program has only authorized 33 of 1,621 processed COVID-vax claims, the largest payout being $8,961. In Australia, 147 people were awarded $7.7 million, with two thousand more claims in progress. Canada’s program has had 1,859 claims, with 103 approved for payments totaling almost $6.7 million.

“Principally those damages recognized by governments are for myocarditis and pericarditis,” Nickson writes. Citing two studies, the data is showing that a Covid shot has a 2.5% chance of leading to myocarditis.

“Guillam-Barré Syndrome, a severe immune disorder, turbo cancers and blood clots are the other three most common illnesses,” she added.

MRNA vaccine pioneer Robert Malone told the U.S. Congress the Covid vaccines’ mRNA, lipid nanoparticles, and spike proteins were each toxic.

“[D]ata suggests that it may be up to half of people that are receiving these have some degree of cardiac damage,” Malone told Congress.

“So there’s direct toxicity, there’s indirect toxicity, there is autoimmune disease, there is toxicity from the particles, there’s toxicity from the proteins, there’s toxicity from the mRNA. It’s all a big mess.”

Data compiled by former Blackrock executive Edward Dowd showed trends in breast, brain, colon, skin, and other cancers not present in 2020 that grew in 2021 and 2022.

The “adventure in medicine” touched everyone, Nickson said. A study in Infectious Disease Research by Helene Banoun entitled, “Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines” showed this material circulated in vaccine recipients’ bodies for four months, but could spread to others by skin contact, inhalation, breast milk, and the placenta.

“Refuse vaccines, as I did, and you are vaccinated anyway,” wrote Nickson.

Meanwhile, the public has been subjected to what Nickson called a “massive, unholy propaganda campaign, aided by a censorship industrial complex of 100 governmental and non-governmental organizations.

“[M]aneuvers allowed the various countries’ armies to force the shot, government agencies to force the shot, allowed corporations to force the shot under threat of being fired, without, sometimes, pension or unemployment insurance,” she explained.

The final report of Canada’s National Citizens’ Inquiry on COVID-19 said at least 11 charter rights were breached during the pandemic. The report also highlighted three facts “beyond dispute” on COVID-19 vaccines.

First, “Health Canada did not determine that the vaccines were safe and effective when they approved the vaccines,” the NCI wrote.

Second, “[T]he public received a different product … which was neither safe nor effective from the product which was approved…

And third, “[V]accines are adulterated … by the presence of foreign DNA fragments and a sequence from a monkey virus called SV40, suspected of causing cancer. Adulterated products are neither safe nor effective.”

COVID vaccination was an international, institutional failure, Nickson writes.

“Every Canadian institution failed. Every American, British, French, German, Australian, Japanese institution failed. They are all now suspect of colluding in the poisoning of the world’s population. Every institution is vulnerable to lawsuits for vaccine damage and colluding in falsified data, and propaganda,” she wrote.

“Government media like the BBC and CBC are liable for falsifying stories, betraying their mandate to serve the public, and betraying the mandate of fairness. Legacy media deserve class action lawsuits for their betrayal of trust.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against Pfizer in late November. “We are pursuing justice for the people of Texas, many of whom were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a defective product sold by lies,” he said in a press release.

Nickson says Dr. David Martin, who is both an MD and a patent lawyer, is also planning a series of lawsuits.

“Martin and others believe they can prove further collusions between the Department of Defence and the vaccine companies which will eventually force the dropping of the immunity shield and then, all of the deaths, injuries, become civil liabilities for the manufacturers,” she explains.

“That this trail leads to the CDC, Health and Human Services, the FDA and the Department of Defence cannot be ignored.”

All this gives hope that those responsible for the jab will feel it the worst. Nickson’s substack is important reading.


Lee Harding is a Research Fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.


Related Items:

Watch Elizabeth Nickson on Leaders on the Frontier, (60 minutes) September 19, 2023.

Access more from Elizabeth Nickson at Frontier

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