Environment Minister Says No New Major Road Funding by The Federal Government

This week, the Federal Minister of the Environment Steven Guilbeault, announced that the Federal Government will no longer be funding new road construction. He walked back those comments a day […]
Published on February 16, 2024

This week, the Federal Minister of the Environment Steven Guilbeault, announced that the Federal Government will no longer be funding new road construction. He walked back those comments a day later and said they will no longer fund new large road construction, but did not provide any definition of what was meant by large. He stated that the government will still fund road maintenance, but it appears that they will not fund new large road construction. Their focus will be on financing public transit and active transportation links.

Given that Canada is the second largest country in the world, with a relatively small population, and one of the coldest environments in the world, it is difficult to image that commercial activities can readily be undertaken on public transit and active transportation. It should be noted that each Federal Minister is driven daily in a chauffeured car, and regularly get access to the use of private jets for business travel.

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Which position best describes your views of what the Minister has stated with regards to major road construction?


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