Frontier Live on X – The Biggest Betrayal of Public Trust – With Vanessa Dylyn

Big Topics & Big Ideas

Vanessa Dylyn, an Emmy-nominated Canadian film producer, is talking about her latest film, Covid Collateral that is causing quite the uproar. We have an exclusive trailer of the film below. The documentary is being screened in Toronto May 9th, and shockingly, the Calgary theatre refused to screen the film because of harassment of the owner and the employees by “activists” over a recent event. What is revealed in this documentary that the mainstream media and woke businesses don’t want you to see?  

Watch on YouTube here and Rumble here.

Watch the shocking trailer here: Covid Collateral Trailer 


We Can’t Ignore This Any Longer – With Joseph Quesnel, (61 minutes), April 4, 2024.

The urgent need for action in response to a rising tide of extremism fueled by exaggerated beliefs about climate change.

Carbon Tax Hike Debate – With Dan McTeague

Is the tax really going to help the planet in the long run? (67 minutes) March 28, 2024.

Fearful Fractured Canada? – With David Redman

Canada is ashamed of its history, has shattered its democratic institutions, our allies ignore us and we have a broken economy. (63 minutes) March 21, 2024.

Is Our Transit System Really Serving You? – With Randal O’Toole

Modern urban areas require flexible transit systems, Policy analyst Randal O’Toole released a report. Hear what he has to say. (60 minutes) March 14, 2024.

The Law is Being Used to Attack Your Freedoms – With Bruce Pardy

Bruce Pardy joins David Leis about how the justice system is not protecting your rights and freedoms anymore. (56 minutes) February 29, 2024.

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