Do You Really Support the Crown?

Public support for the Monarchy in Canada is lower than in the United Kingdom, but the Queen’s reign isn’t over yet, and there is no real reason to believe that […]
Published on November 14, 2019

Public support for the Monarchy in Canada is lower than in the United Kingdom, but the Queen’s reign isn’t over yet, and there is no real reason to believe that Prince Charles will not become the next Head of State. Quebec aside, Queen Elizabeth remains extremely popular throughout Canada. Polls show 8 out of 10 Canadians positively endorse her, and while a majority of Canadians have suggested cutting ties with the Monarchy upon the Queen’s death, the majority is slim and roughly half of the population are willing to accept Charles as the next head of state. 

The role of the Queen in British politics has been amplified in recent months with the ongoing omnishambles that is the UK’s expected withdrawal from the European Union. When Prime Minister Boris Johnson requested her approval for a longer-than-usual prorogation of Parliament (which was later reversed in the courts), it felt like the future of Brexit was in Her Majesty’s hands. Technically, it was. Had the prorogation not been granted, Remainers in Parliament would have had extra time to formulate new plans and schemes to stifle Britain’s planned exit on the 31st October. 

Remain activists have rioted, and politicians engaged in the most egregious acts of defiance and disrespect for democracy, while the Queen has been a refreshingly neutral, respectful, and loyal participant throughout. Her positive influence, and her power, have felt very real in recent months – but in Canada, her role might well seem less prominent. Perhaps it is a combination of the fact that much of her work is done by the Governor General of Canada, as well as the interesting silence over the matter by Canadian Jacobins

When I say Canadian Jacobins, I am talking about sections of the far-left (e.g. Anitfa-like) extremists who are willing to jump on any political cause that might create headaches for the stereotypical politician and decry colonialism as genocide. 

I think it is important to consider the thoughts of activists like this about the role the Monarchy plays in Canada. 

While incessant social media campaigns tell Canadians and the rest of the world that colonialism has resulted in the carefully planned and ongoing cultural genocide of various cohorts of people in Canada, little is said about the living, breathing the embodiment of European influence over North America. Is this not hypocrisy?

I say this as a staunch British Monarchist. In my view, the Commonwealth that binds the UK and Canada – along with 51 other member states – is a great positive for the world. But I have heard little in the way of criticism from Canadian Jacobins across the pond. That’s probably because support for the Monarchy hasn’t completely diminished (thankfully), and that many of these activists are likely in favour of the Monarchy – or at least, be indifferent about it.

For those who do not support the Monarchy as an institution in Canada, I have a question. Namely, would you prefer an American-style system? Do Canadian Jacobins prefer a directly-elected Head of State, or a President that encompasses both the role of the Prime Minister as well as the Queen? 

Next time you find yourself sharing space with Canadian Jacobin at a royal visit, perhaps ask them; do you really support the crown?

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