So Much More We Can Be | John Gormley (650 CKOM) interviews Gerard Lucyshyn

A new book crossed my desk a few weeks ago now and I knew it was coming because there were a series of articles are written over a recent years […]
Published on September 1, 2021

A new book crossed my desk a few weeks ago now and I knew it was coming because there were a series of articles are written over a recent years by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy drilling down on certain parts of the Devine government legacy. Devine led the first conservative government since the Depression era. Grant Devine becomes the Premier of Saskatchewan and replaces a long time NDP government in the largest sweep in Saskatchewan political history. The NDP resurged and overwhelming defeats Grant Devine in 1991 and govern uninterrupted until Brad Wall in 2007.

The new book that is now out from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy is So Much More We Can Be:  Saskatchewan’s paradigm shift and the final chapter on the Devine government 1982 to 1991. For a lot of us in the age of those who remember the Devine years and politics and even those of you too young to remember when you say grab Devine government you remember how it ended the largest political scandal in Saskatchewan history involving an expense account fraud. This book provides a deeper look on the effective the Devine government had and drills down on the paradigm shift it had on Saskatchewan. Co-authored by the names you will know well writers and Edward Willett, Joe Ralko, and Gerard Lucyshyn. 


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