Grey Matter: How is the Climate Change agenda affecting the Canadian Energy Sector? – David Leis

  In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and David Leis have a conversation about some of David’s roles in the work he has done in the past, the work […]
Published on September 13, 2022


In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and David Leis have a conversation about some of David’s roles in the work he has done in the past, the work that the Frontier Centre for Public Policy is doing to make positive change in Canadian Government, while also addressing some of the nations concerns when it comes to the Canadian Health Care system and our Energy Sector.

As one of the VPs of Frontier Centre for Public Policy, David Leis is uniquely positioned to comment on the evolving situation of national politics in Canada, the influence of the World Economic Forum and tangible things Canadians can do to support the integrity of our democracy. The Frontier Center is a think tank that rejects government funding and encourages exploring sensitive issues. They consist of publicly funded research groups that dive deeper into the policies the Canadian government enacts.

David is a longtime supporter of the Centre’s mission. He is passionate in his role about inviting and engaging a strong national community in support of the mission of the Frontier. He believes strongly in the importance of good Public Policy for the benefit of the lives of all Canadians. Leis has served in a variety of senior leadership roles within industry, government, First Nations and education. David studied at Waterloo, Ryerson, Toronto and undertook his Masters in Public Policy at Queen’s University.

Leis was most recently Director of Communications and Donor Relations at Mennonite Central Committee Canada. He has extensive experience in leading fundraising and development within higher education, the nonprofit sector, and the business world. He also has experience in the realm of municipal politics, having served as a councilor in the Region of Waterloo and mayor in the Township of Woolwich. At Canadian Mennonite University, Leis was Vice-President Advancement, successfully raising over $7 million for a business school endowment fund. During his time at Red River, he served as Vice-President of Business Development and was involved in the establishment of an endowment fund for a chair in Construction Management. He raised over $9 million in various projects at Red River College.

Leis & Grey explore the issues our healthcare system faces when it comes to the influence of misleading narratives, the role of parents in raising healthy children, the unspoken war on the energy sector, and how the Frontier Centre for Public Policy is working to make changes to the Canadian Government System.

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