Kris Kowal

Indigenous Identity Fraud?

Indigenous Identity Fraud?

This week there was a conference in Winnipeg with a wide range of First Nations and Metis groups that focussed on the topic of stopping the fraudulent self identification by non-FN people who identify as FN in order to obtain jobs, contracts, university entrance,...

Should Manitoba subsidize EV purchases?

Should Manitoba subsidize EV purchases?

Manitoba’s NDP Government has announced that it will be providing a provincial subsidy of $4,000 for new Electric Vehicles (including Plug-in Hybrids), with a MSRP of less than$70,000, or $2,500 for a used one less than 4 years old. The problem is that the least...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

In the last 8 years, we have seen home costs double across Canada. There are many reasons for the rise in prices and it is difficult to connect the increases to just one particular reason. In your opinion how would you rank the reasons listed below as the main causes...

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

The Canadian prairies are experiencing unusually warm weather, well above seasonal average.  Many people point to climate change as the reason for this.  What is interesting is that the Canadian Prairies often go through a warming period starting in mid-January, and...

What do you think of this week’s Emergency Act decision?

What do you think of this week’s Emergency Act decision?

This week, the Federal Court ruled that invoking the Emergency Act (EA) to dispel the trucker protests (Freedom Convoy) in Ottawa in 2022 was unconstitutional. On the same day, the Liberal Government announced that they would appeal this verdict. The ruling flies in...

Limits on Affirmative Action

Limits on Affirmative Action

Unlike the U.S. Constitution, which is silent on Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Section 15(2) of Canada’s Constitution incorporates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through what is known as Affirmative Action. This clause grants increased access to educational...

2024 Democrat and Independent Candidates

2024 Democrat and Independent Candidates

The USA is about to start their Presidential Primaries, and last week’s poll looked at Republican Party candidates. While the Democrat Party establishment remains solidly behind President Biden, there are other Democrat Party and non-Democrat party candidates and...