Brian Giesbrecht

Canada’s Political Pandemic Prison

Canada’s Political Pandemic Prison

Preston Manning already occupies a place of honour in our history books as “the father of modern-day Conservatism”. His accomplishments are too numerous to recount in this short article, and his articles, essays and books are many. One would think that with his many...

A Letter to the Russian People

A Letter to the Russian People

Dear Russian people: You are a diverse people who occupy almost a third of the world’s landmass. Your history is complex, and your accomplishments are many. However, today what Russia is known for - all across this troubled planet - is the mad ambitions of one man -...

Featured News

Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

A Donor-Funded CBC?

A Donor-Funded CBC?

CBC Radio was once a national treasure. From Peter Gzowski through Arthur Black, Shelagh Rogers and Danny Finkleman, a turn of the knob rewarded the listener with information, entertainment, and humour. Nowadays, a push of the button is more likely to bring on someone...

The Canadian University Diversity Program

The Canadian University Diversity Program

The Federal Liberal government is determined to implement a new program called “Dimensions: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion” on all Canadian universities. This program includes a “Charter”—a document to be signed by university presidents or other senior official that...

Thompson’s Clogged Courts

Thompson’s Clogged Courts

Thompson, Manitoba’s court system is terribly clogged. Those charged with offences and held in custody wait far too long for their bail hearings and the system is simply overloaded. Despite past valiant efforts to fix it, this problem has existed for years. Now, a...