Brian Giesbrecht

Unacceptable Views

Unacceptable Views

“Canada will always be there to defend the right to peaceful protest” - Justin Trudeau, in a reference to protests in India ...   Asked why he supported some protests, but was determined to crush the trucker convoy, Justin Trudeau answered without hesitation: He...

Trudeau Commits Brand Suicide

Trudeau Commits Brand Suicide

Just the week before, when he invoked the Emergencies Act to deal with what was essentially a local police matter, Justin Trudeau was being compared to brutal dictators, like Xi Jinping. But now, after effectively saying “Just fooling” and revoking the same...

Two Fools On The Hill

Two Fools On The Hill

The discussions held by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Premiers leading up to the imposition of The Emergencies Act will not be made public, but the results are obvious : All Premiers except one, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, told Trudeau not to do it. I’m sure...

Featured News

No Evidence of Climate Crisis

In his annual State of the Climate report published on April 14, 2022, Dr. Ole Humlum, Emeritus Professor at the University of Oslo, examined detailed patterns in temperature changes in the atmosphere and oceans together with trends in climate impacts. Many of these...

Blue Gold Making Us Rich

Blue Gold Making Us Rich

“Water is more valuable than oil”- President George W. Bush Canada currently exports huge quantities of water to the United States and all over the world. As the world’s fifth largest exporter of agricultural products - which are composed mainly of water - huge...

The Northwest Passage

The Northwest Passage

It is not hard to find opinions on “climate change”.   Not so long ago, what is now called “climate change” was addressed as “global warming”, a designation fell out of favour when too many cold weather records were broken.  Radio, television, the printed media and...

Gender Self-Identification

Gender Self-Identification

The transgender movement has made great strides in recent years advancing the cause of a marginalized minority. However, a claim of the movement - namely the absolute right of people to choose their gender, and have that gender choice legally enforced - is resulting...

Khalistan: The Art of Obstruction

Khalistan: The Art of Obstruction

It was July 24, 1967. French President Charles de Gaulle had travelled to Quebec, ostensibly to visit Canada’s Expo 67. But the old rascal had something entirely different in mind. He had come to Canada for one reason, and one reason only - to stir up trouble. And he...

Activist Judges

Activist Judges

Leaks from the Prime Minister’s Office concerning a potential appointment of Justice Glenn Joyal, Chief Justice of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench, to the Supreme Court of Canada highlights differences between the treatment of judiciary appointments in Canada and...

Terrorism on Easter Sunday

Terrorism on Easter Sunday

The massacre of Muslims at prayer in New Zealand On March 15, 2019 is yet another appalling example of the horrors of extreme hatred. In this case the mass murderer was a deluded white supremacist. Other recently targeted victims have been Jews at worship in...

Senator’s Thought Crime

Senator Lynn Beyak is back in the news - the Senate ethics committee is recommending the Senator be suspended without pay for the duration of the current Parliament. Why? A few letters she posted to her website.  The senator has become a symbol of intolerance and...