Brian Giesbrecht

Politicizing the Judiciary

Politicizing the Judiciary

Israel is currently locked in an intense struggle between conservatives and progressives over the Netanyahu government’s judicial reform plans. As it now stands, the top court can strike down any law that it considers to be “unreasonable”. Those judges are all...

Featured News

Canada’s Political Pandemic Prison

Canada’s Political Pandemic Prison

Preston Manning already occupies a place of honour in our history books as “the father of modern-day Conservatism”. His accomplishments are too numerous to recount in this short article, and his articles, essays and books are many. One would think that with his many...

A Letter to the Russian People

A Letter to the Russian People

Dear Russian people: You are a diverse people who occupy almost a third of the world’s landmass. Your history is complex, and your accomplishments are many. However, today what Russia is known for - all across this troubled planet - is the mad ambitions of one man -...

Unacceptable Views

Unacceptable Views

“Canada will always be there to defend the right to peaceful protest” - Justin Trudeau, in a reference to protests in India ...   Asked why he supported some protests, but was determined to crush the trucker convoy, Justin Trudeau answered without hesitation: He...

Trudeau Commits Brand Suicide

Trudeau Commits Brand Suicide

Just the week before, when he invoked the Emergencies Act to deal with what was essentially a local police matter, Justin Trudeau was being compared to brutal dictators, like Xi Jinping. But now, after effectively saying “Just fooling” and revoking the same...

Two Fools On The Hill

Two Fools On The Hill

The discussions held by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Premiers leading up to the imposition of The Emergencies Act will not be made public, but the results are obvious : All Premiers except one, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, told Trudeau not to do it. I’m sure...