Frontier Centre

Keep or Can the New Canada Water Agency?

Keep or Can the New Canada Water Agency?

In May, the federal government announced it was creating a new organization called the Canada Water Agency.   It will have a 5-year budget of $85 million, staff of 215, half of which will be located at a new headquarters in Winnipeg. This is part of a broader effort...

Featured News

Should legislators use the nothwithstanding clause more?

Should legislators use the nothwithstanding clause more?

Recently, there has been a debate regarding the use of the Notwithstanding Clause in the event that Conservatives form the Government next year.   The Federal Government has never used this clause to override a decision by the courts, although many provinces have....

Indigenous Identity Fraud?

Indigenous Identity Fraud?

This week there was a conference in Winnipeg with a wide range of First Nations and Metis groups that focussed on the topic of stopping the fraudulent self identification by non-FN people who identify as FN in order to obtain jobs, contracts, university entrance,...

Should Manitoba subsidize EV purchases?

Should Manitoba subsidize EV purchases?

Manitoba’s NDP Government has announced that it will be providing a provincial subsidy of $4,000 for new Electric Vehicles (including Plug-in Hybrids), with a MSRP of less than$70,000, or $2,500 for a used one less than 4 years old. The problem is that the least...

Increasing capital gains tax?

Increasing capital gains tax?

The average capital gains tax in developed countries is 19.55%.  With the budget this week by the Federal Government, it increases the maximum Capital Gains rate from taxing 50% on the gain, to 66.67%.  For high income earnings, who are at a marginal tax rate of 48%,...

Rules for party nominations to stop election interference?

Rules for party nominations to stop election interference?

During the current election interference investigations, a concern has been raised that both the Conservative Party nominations and Liberal Party nominations allow non-citizens and underage voters to vote in their nominations. These are not only Permanent Residence, but also Foreign Workers and International Students as young as 14.