Frontier Centre

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

In the last 8 years, we have seen home costs double across Canada. There are many reasons for the rise in prices and it is difficult to connect the increases to just one particular reason. In your opinion how would you rank the reasons listed below as the main causes...

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

The Canadian prairies are experiencing unusually warm weather, well above seasonal average.  Many people point to climate change as the reason for this.  What is interesting is that the Canadian Prairies often go through a warming period starting in mid-January, and...

What do you think of this week’s Emergency Act decision?

What do you think of this week’s Emergency Act decision?

This week, the Federal Court ruled that invoking the Emergency Act (EA) to dispel the trucker protests (Freedom Convoy) in Ottawa in 2022 was unconstitutional. On the same day, the Liberal Government announced that they would appeal this verdict. The ruling flies in...

Featured News

Are you in favour of a parental bill of rights?

Are you in favour of a parental bill of rights?

Heather Stefanson’s PC party of Manitoba promised to introduce a four-point parental “bill of rights” if they are re-elected as the government of Manitoba this October.  These rights would include improving knowledge of the curriculum being taught, reporting of...

Should we collect more race-based data on crime?

Should we collect more race-based data on crime?

The Canadian Justice system has been repeatedly accused of being racist, with much higher incarceration rates for our First Nations and Black citizens than of Whites and Asians.  In the USA, they capture data on the race of those charged with crimes, victims, as well...

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Background – Posthaste: Canada's standard of living is falling behind the rest of the developed world, National Post, July 17, 2023 Mind the Gap – Canada is Falling Behind the Standard of Living Curve, TD Bank Report, July 13, 2023   Click...