Gerry Bowler

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Archives and the Memory Hole

Archives and the Memory Hole

Nikolia Ivanovich Yezhov was not a nice man, but for a time he was an important one. He was a favourite of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin and head of the NKVD, the USSR’s secret police. As such he was responsible for the arrests, tortures, and executions of his...

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

There were many arguments used in the past week to justify calls for the use of the Emergencies Act. In order to bolster the claim that the traffic jam in downtown Ottawa constituted a threat to national security, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair insisted...

The Importance of Diversity

The Importance of Diversity

Recent American studies have revealed a striking lack of variation in political views among the nation’s university professors. For example, 85% of academics teaching political science rated themselves as left of centre; only 10% considered themselves to be in the...

What to Do with a Pirate State

What to Do with a Pirate State

For centuries, Arab states across North Africa made fortunes from piracy. Raiding the coasts of Spain and Italy, scouring the Mediterranean, and ravaging into the Atlantic as far as Iceland, Barbary corsairs captured over a million Christian prisoners for their slave...

We’ll Always Have Christmas

We’ll Always Have Christmas

Let’s face it, 2020 sucked. It was one of those years that people will remember their whole lives, the kind to judge all others by. The sort of year that, in the future, when your house burns down, your son flunks out of clown college, and your dog dies, you will be...

Living the Post-COVID Life

Living the Post-COVID Life

Pandemics have a way of changing the world. The Plague of Justinian which hit the Mediterranean area in the 500s not only killed millions but it crucially weakened the Byzantine Empire and helped ruin its plans to reconquer western Europe from the barbarians. The...

Obsession With Identity

Obsession With Identity

On my desk is a commemorative plate honouring the 1966 Grey Cup champions, the Saskatchewan Roughriders. On it are the pictures of football legend Ronnie Lancaster and his teammates. A quick scan of these portraits reveals something odd: just three of the players’...

Why Do We Remember?

Why Do We Remember?

Ever since 1931, Canadians have paused on November 11 to mark Remembrance Day, a commemoration of those who have died serving in our country’s wars. (From 1919 to 1930 the observance was called Armistice Day and held on the Sunday nearest November 11.) Men and women...

Support for a Non-confidence Vote?

Support for a Non-confidence Vote?

For the past 90 years, Canadian politics has been influenced by the presence of a genuinely left-wing political party. The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) emerged in 1933 demanding nationalization of essential industries, universal public pensions, health...