Les Routledge

Lights Going out in Germany

What happens when a country phases out coal generated electricity and then moves to shut down nuclear electricity generation? The answer is increased costs to consumers and lower income people being unable to afford to purchase electricity. I wonder if Russia will...

CP Back to Work – Too Soon?

It looks like the federal government will move to order CP workers back to work and impose a settlement solution. As a farmer and a shipper, I wonder if this is the optimal course of action.  Maybe it would be better to let the new management of CP take control and...

Featured News

The Lost War

While many western nations are debating the merits of keeping troops in Afghanistan after 10 years, there is a much older war effort that needs to be discussed as well. The United States seems to have noted this war-weariness. During a visit to Mexico and Honduras...

Home on the Range

...and not a human in sight. Maybe this effort to reestablish buffalo makes sense, but I really question the prairie dog effort. Down here on my farm, I really look forward to fixing all the fences that were torn down by migrating moose last year.  Next fall, I think...

The Other Pipeline Option – Go East Old Man

I will leave it up to the reader to judge the merits of this commentary suggesting a pipeline to eastern Canada for oil is desirable in a National Energy Strategy. The one thing I will assert is that all alternatives should be discussed in Canada at a time when our...

Fracking In The News

This is a reasonably balanced article from the Globe and Mail. As a farmer and rural landowner, I have been somewhat concerned about the mantra coming out of the oil and gas industry that there is zero risk associated with fracking techniques.  Finally the...