Michael Zwaagstra

Michael Zwaagstra is a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre and public high school teacher. He received his Bachelor of Education and Master of Education from the University of Manitoba and Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University in Virginia. He is the author of A Sage on the Stage: Common Sense Reflections on Teaching and Learning, and co-author of What’s Wrong with Our Schools and How We Can Fix Them. He is a frequent author of education policy research and newspaper columns across Canada. His research mainly focuses on curricula, teaching instruction and public education. Michael’s research and commentary have been featured in radio, television and newspapers across the country. Michael lives with his wife and children in Steinbach, Manitoba.

Research by Michael Zwaagstra

Time to Scrap the App

Time to Scrap the App

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland thinks her government is too humble. At least that’s what she said when a reporter asked her why travellers are still forced to fill out the ArriveCan app before entering Canada. After extolling the virtues of national humility,...

Featured News

Canada in 2073—Will There Be One?

“Ahead, Thar Be Dragons.”   The world of 2023 is a scary place. One major war is raging, with others probably on the way. The Pax Americana that has given us freedom of the seas and allowed global trade to flourish might be breaking down. International piracy,...

More Canadian History Needed In Schools

More Canadian History Needed In Schools

Last fall, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario demanded that John A. Macdonald’s name be stricken from all public schools in the province. More recently, Halifax’s city council voted to remove the Edward Cornwallis statue that had stood downtown since 1931....

All Canadians agree that schools should be places of learning. There is also near-universal agreement that school is for everyone, not just for the privileged elite. This is one of the reasons why schooling is mandatory to age 16 or 18 in every Canadian province and...

Content Knowledge Is The Key

Content Knowledge Is The Key

"The older teacher thought first of his subject matter, that it get learned... The good teacher of the newer view well understands how it is the process itself, especially as socially conditioned that educates; and he makes every effort to get and keep the process...

A recent study claims that 90 per cent of classes in Alberta are way over the provincial standard of 17 students per class. But how much do class sizes affect a child’s learning process? Michael Zwaagstra, a senior fellow with the Frontier Centre joins Rob...

Giving Canadian Teachers a Voice

Giving Canadian Teachers a Voice

Teaching is a challenging job. Anyone who has spent a few days in a school knows that teachers have a lot of demands placed upon them. Their responsibilities often go far beyond basic classroom instruction. From dealing with disruptive student behaviours to organizing...