Paul Driessen

Fake Climate Science and Scientists

Fake Climate Science and Scientists

The multi-colored placard in front of a $2-million home in North Center Chicago proudly proclaimed, “In this house we believe: No human is illegal” – and “Science is real” (plus a few other liberal mantras). I knew right away where the owners stood on climate change,...

AOC Says America Should Lead the World

AOC Says America Should Lead the World

29-year old ex-bartender and freshman U.S. Representative (D-NY) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez received thunderous environmentalist and media acclaim when she introduced her Green New Deal resolution in the House and Ed Markey (D-MA) submitted it in the Senate. It was...

Featured News

Insanity and Hypocrisy Down Under

Insanity and Hypocrisy Down Under

The Wall Street Journal called it the energy shortage “no one saw coming.” Actually, a lot of people did see it coming. But intent on pursuing their “dangerous manmade climate change” and “renewable energy will save the planet” agendas, the political classes ignored...

More Solar Jobs is a Curse, Not a Blessing

More Solar Jobs is a Curse, Not a Blessing

Citing U.S. Department of Energy data, the New York Times recently reported that the solar industry employs far more Americans than wind or coal: 374,000 in solar versus 100,000 in wind and 160,000 in coal mining and coal-fired power generation. Only the natural gas...

Pipeline Anarchy

Pipeline Anarchy

Paul Driessen , November 20, 2016 Is this to be our future? Last week’s elections will soon end autocratic rule via executive fiat, the war on coal and hydrocarbons, IRS agents targeting conservative groups, government SWAT teams invading businesses and homes, and...

Green Energy Poverty Week

Green Energy Poverty Week

A week dedicated to topics that underscore impacts environmentalists don’t want to discuss April 22 was Earth Day, the March for Science and Lenin’s birthday (which many say is appropriate, since environmentalism is now green on the outside and red, anti-free...

Just assume we have a climate crisis

Climate modelers and disaster proponents remind me of the four guys who were marooned on an island, after their plane went down. The engineer began drawing plans for a boat; the lumberjack cut trees to build it; the pilot plotted a course to the nearest known...

Build the Keystone pipeline

President Obama wants to put America back to work, produce more energy, improve public safety, and open new markets.  In his State of the Union address he said “I will act on my own to slash bureaucracy so we can get more construction workers on the job as fast...