Big Topics & Big Ideas
Housing Affordability
Canadians Moving to Smaller Cities and Rural Areas
For the last two centuries, one of the most important demographic trends has been the movement of people from rural areas to the cities. It has been estimated that in 1800, the world was only 3% urban, meaning that it was 97% rural.In 1800, there was only one...
Here’s One Solution to Canada’s Housing Crisis: Move
Canadians are fleeing overpriced cities to find more affordable housing. And restrictive urban planning policies are to blame. Canadians may be solving the housing crisis on their own by moving away from more expensive areas to areas where housing is much more...
Want More Affordable Housing in Canada? Build More Houses
Solving Canada’s housing crisis shouldn’t require more than a single lesson in economics. When prices are high, a free market always responds and supplies more. Yet amidst Canada’s severe problems of housing affordability, this foolproof mechanism is continually...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Navigating the Housing Affordability Crisis
Housing prices are through the roof, but why? Join Joel Kotkin as he navigates the complex maze of housing affordability with insights from Ross Elliott, Peter Holle , and Wendell Cox. We break down how decades of flawed policies and excessive regulations have...
Leaders on the Frontier -15-minute Cities Will Never Happen – with Alain Bertaud
Big Topics & Big Ideas
Frontier Live on X – The Good, Bad & Ugly of Winnipeg Plan 20-50 – with Randal O’Toole
Big Topics & Big Ideas
In Praise Of Sprawl
Urban growth restrictions are the real reason housing is too scarce and too dear, writes property industry researcher Rob Burgess. Delayed decision-making, bureaucratic dithering, and the stubborn resistance of NIMBYs have all been frequently cited as...
Winnipeg’s Plan to Catch Up with Vancouver
Winnipeg is the most affordable major housing market in Canada. According to Wendell Cox’s 2024 International Housing Affordability report, the average price of a 1,500-square-foot home in Winnipeg is $310,000, compared with $1.1 million in Toronto and $1.4 million in...
Frontier Live on X – Local Government – Making Cities Work For You – With Sam Sullivan
Big Topics & Big Ideas
Like It Or Loathe It, The Coalition Is Cracking on
Say what you like about the coalition Government - and there are plenty of opinions - but it is clearly a Government determined to change New Zealand in the direction that it campaigned on, and quickly. The announcement made by Housing and Infrastructure Minister...
Toronto, Vancouver Named ‘Impossibly Unaffordable’
While Vancouver can be beautiful, it has also been deemed the most unaffordable city in Canada by a Demographia International Housing Affordability report and the third-least affordable city of the 94 markets analyzed in the report.
Frontier Live on X – How To Fix Canada’s Housing Crisis – With Wendell Cox
How to Fix Canada's Housing Crisis, LIVE with Wendell Cox— Frontier Centre (@FrontierCentre) June 13, 2024 Why do half of the people living in Vancouver want to leave? Wendell Cox will expose the startling reality of Canada’s...