Philip Carl Salzman

Official Child Abuse

Official Child Abuse

In this article on official abuse of children, I reference American (US) policies and practices. Many Canadians think that, whatever is happening in the US, things in Canada are not quite so bad. But they are wrong; in many cases Canada has gone farther wrong....

Why Men and Women Are the Way They Are

Why Men and Women Are the Way They Are

Human beings are the way they are because of natural selection. Those characteristics which allow more children to survive and reproduce will push out or select against characteristics are less helpful in having children that will survive and reproduce. We can see...

Featured News

The Man who Saved the Plains Indians

At the time of Confederation, Canada’s Plains Indians were in a desperate situation. The same European-introduced guns and horses that resulted in a briefly glorious golden age for them had also resulted in constant inter-tribal warfare and the rapid disappearance of...

In Praise of Dead White Men

In Praise of Dead White Men

Every age has its obsessions. Religious differences among Christians led to brutal and bloody religious wars a few centuries ago. National conflicts among European powers led to worldwide wars in the 19thand 20th centuries. In the West, our 21st century obsession...

Are Educators Enemies of the People?

Are Educators Enemies of the People?

Our educators, based and trained in our universities, have adopted an ideology, a faith,  contrary to the values and will of the general public, the citizens who pay their salaries and give jobs to their graduates. This ideology shapes the thoughts of everyone who...

Why Men Are Falling Behind in Schools

Why Men Are Falling Behind in Schools

North American universities have been taken over by women. Men are decreasingly university students, professors, and administrators. “Gender equality,” a feminist war chant, apparently does not apply when females dominate. In the United States, women outnumber men in...

What Happened to Our Universities?

What Happened to Our Universities?

As extensively documented, our universities have been swept up into a new cultural movement, the so-called “social justice” movement. “Social justice” ideology is based on the Marxist vision that the world is divided into oppressor classes and oppressed classes....

Feminists Assault Science

Feminists Assault Science

Feminism is a closed, partisan ideology designed to lobby for female advantage. Science is an open exploration designed to test and expand knowledge. Feminism and science are entirely incompatible.[1] Feminism rejects biological knowledge about the differences of...