Rolf Penner

Show Me the Money

Cross-border sampling results agree with most of the studies that have been done. Farmers just south of the border get paid more for identical wheat and barley crops. The Wheat Board’s so-called price advantage is a chimera.

Airing Out the Wet Blanket

The outdated monopoly power of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) sits like a wet blanket over the entire Prairie economy. From plant breeders through to the farm gate and on to our rural communities, into our cities and right to our ports, the dampening effect is widespread, pervasive and tangible.

Featured News

Canadian Farmers’ British Friend

The Canadian farm belt owes more to Britain's Prime Minister than our own. Indeed, Tony Blair may become the best friend that farmers on this side of the Atlantic have had in generations. As President of the European Union for the next six months, Blair is pushing...