Tom Flanagan

Why Calgary needs its fluoride

In 2011, Calgary council voted 10-3 to discontinue fluoridation of the city’s water, which had begun 20 years earlier pursuant to a referendum. Now the consequences are becoming visible. A study by Alberta medical researchers shows that the incidence of cavities...

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Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Ms. Smith Leaves Edmonton

The Wildrose supporters who gathered to choose a new leader Saturday night broke into raucous cheers when they heard that former leader Danielle Smith had been defeated for the Conservative nomination in High River. Ms. Smith had made herself infamous in Wildrose...

Dr. Tom Flanagan, Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary and Co-Author of Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights

Dr. Tom Flanagan, Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary and Co-Author of Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights

Conversation with the co-author of Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights which proposes a legislation to make it possible for First Nations, on a voluntary basis, to take collective ownership of their land reserves and also to create ownership in fee simple for individuals.