Wayne Anderson

ArriveCan Adventures

ArriveCan Adventures

I would like to share my near disastrous experience with ArriveCan. In early September 2022 I had to travel to Mexico on business. I was scheduled to return September 13 via WestJet, but had to change to September 14, Air Canada operated by United. I got to the Puerto...

WRHA a Dysfunctional Model?

WRHA a Dysfunctional Model?

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority was established in the mid-1990s and it has grown into a massive, complex bureaucracy. Its budget is approaching $3 billion. Its many activities range from operating a central laundry to establishing standards while operating a...

Home-Care Model is Failing Manitoba

Home-Care Model is Failing Manitoba

We know our population is aging, and a recent study by the University of Manitoba shows the province could need up to 5,000 personal care home beds by 2030, or approximately 300 to 350 beds per year. If we are successful in solving some of the patient-flow problems...

Featured News

It’s All About Patient Flow

It’s All About Patient Flow

It seems every time we watch the news these days, there is some item about ambulances being unable to unload patients at the emergency room, or about ER wait times increasing or failing to meet some arbitrary target. We all remember Gary Doer’s promise to end "hallway...

Expensive System, Mediocre Outcome

Expensive System, Mediocre Outcome

It often seems as though it is impossible to have a non-emotional discussion about health care because the issues are frequently distorted for political reasons. So what is the state of health-care delivery in Canada and Manitoba compared with other industrialized...

A Better Way to Fund Hospitals

A Better Way to Fund Hospitals

Hospitals in Canada consume about 30 per cent of health care spending, and are funded using a model known as block or global funding. This model results in a fixed or global amount of funding being distributed to the hospital. In return, the hospital is expected to...

Canada’s Health Care System Rewards Mediocrity

There are defenders of the status quo who view any suggestions for reform with suspicion, but every aspect of our modern society is subjected to continuous review, change and improvement. The same process should be applied to hospital funding in Canada. If we are to improve we must change what we are doing.