Wendell Cox

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Improving Quality of Life Through Telecommuting

Senior Fellow Wendell Cox, an international transportation expert, finds that in Canada, Saskatoon has more telecommuters than any other metropolitan area as a percentage of its working-age population, at 1.5%. Next in line are Vancouver and Edmonton tied at 1.1%.

Traffic Congestion, Time, Money & Productivity

Congestion Costs: This is why such serious attention is paid to the Texas Transportation Institute’s (TTI) Annual Mobility Report, which estimates the costs of traffic congestion, principally the value of lost time as well as excess fuel costs. The fundamental premise, long a principle of transportation planning and policy, holds that more time spent traveling costs money, to employers, employees and shippers.

The Costs of Climate Change Strategies, Who Will Tell People?

I have yet to discern any seething undercurrent of desire on the part of Americans (or the vast majority anywhere else) to return to the living standards of 1980, much less 1950 or 1750. Neither Washington’s politicians nor those in Paris or any other high income world capital are going to tell the people that they must accept a lower standard of living.

Sydney: From World City To “Sick Man” Of Australia

About three decades ago, Sydney embarked upon what was to become one of the world’s strongest “smart growth” programs (called “urban consolidation” in Australia). Aimed at concentrating population closer to the core, urban consolidation sought to restrict and even prohibit new housing on the urban fringe. Sydney developed its own equivalent of the famous Portland urban growth boundary. The result is that every land owner knows whether or not their property can be developed, and the favored understandably take advantage by charging whatever price the highly constrained market will bear.