Opinion Polls

Should legislators use the nothwithstanding clause more?

Should legislators use the nothwithstanding clause more?

Recently, there has been a debate regarding the use of the Notwithstanding Clause in the event that Conservatives form the Government next year.   The Federal Government has never used this clause to override a decision by the courts, although many provinces have....

Indigenous Identity Fraud?

Indigenous Identity Fraud?

This week there was a conference in Winnipeg with a wide range of First Nations and Metis groups that focussed on the topic of stopping the fraudulent self identification by non-FN people who identify as FN in order to obtain jobs, contracts, university entrance,...

Featured News

Transformers: More than Meets the Eye

The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...

Should Tik Tok be Banned?

Should Tik Tok be Banned?

The American government is considering changing the way the social media app Tik Tok works in the USA. The Congress has passed legislation which would require Tik Tok's parent company, Bytedance (A Chinese company with substantial board representation by the Chinese...

Should Canada Allow Non-citizens into its Military?

Should Canada Allow Non-citizens into its Military?

Canada now allows for non-Citizens to now be in our armed forces. The Brits have entire regiments made up of Nepalese called Gurkhas. The French, on the other hands, prevent their citizens from joining the French Foreign Legion. The USA has always allowed this, but we...

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

In the last 8 years, we have seen home costs double across Canada. There are many reasons for the rise in prices and it is difficult to connect the increases to just one particular reason. In your opinion how would you rank the reasons listed below as the main causes...

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

The Canadian prairies are experiencing unusually warm weather, well above seasonal average.  Many people point to climate change as the reason for this.  What is interesting is that the Canadian Prairies often go through a warming period starting in mid-January, and...