
The Asian Coal Age

The Asian Coal Age

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) took place in Glasgow, Scotland and marked the 26th annual summit on climate change. The conference faced a renewed sense of urgency and purpose. It required consensus by one hundred and ninety world leaders,...

Toxic Masculinity—A Public Health Crisis

Toxic Masculinity—A Public Health Crisis

Students at Western University walked out of class on September 17 to protest a "culture of misogyny".  This following a series of sexual assault allegations made on social media of mass drugging and sexual assaults at the Medway-Sydenham Hall residence on campus...

Featured News

Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Are White Men Personae Non-Gratae?

Are White Men Personae Non-Gratae?

In contemporary British and Canadian television programs, women dominate the police forces. Any men officers are often men of colour. In older police dramas, the police were predominantly men.[1] Even in a few current programs, there are more male police, although the...

Some Good News about Race

Some Good News about Race

We are often told that Canada and the U.S.A. are racist societies. Minority activists denounce white society and demand compensatory measures. Black Lives Matter in Canada declares that “Black Power Matters.” In the United States, Black Lives Matter campaign against...

Entertainment as Propaganda

Entertainment as Propaganda

Television programs not only entertain, but they also are an important influence our ideas about our society and culture. These messages are not meant solely to reflect social reality accurately, but also to shape that reality. People and their actions and opinions...

Inspiring But Not Educating

Inspiring But Not Educating

In November of 2016, I attended a national gathering in Toronto organized by Indspire, a truly worthwhile national body that promotes and assists with the improvement of education quality and success among Indigenous youth. I was presenting a workshop on the value of...

Equality at What Cost?

Equality at What Cost?

Equality, of course, is one of the hallowed values of the post-Enlightenment West, celebrated in the French revolutionary slogan, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” and in the American Declaration of Independence,[1] which asserts that it is “self-evident” that “all men...

A Canadian Holocaust: Remembering the Shoah

A Canadian Holocaust: Remembering the Shoah

Think about it. What would the death of six million people look like in the Canadian population? A loss of that number would be equivalent to the annihilation of every single person in the following cities: Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, London, and Halifax....

Against Diversity

Against Diversity

In the last few days, two academic conferences were criticized for not being sufficiently “diverse.” A conference to empower women and train them for leadership was cancelled by St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota, because, according to university...

Official Racism in Our Universities

Official Racism in Our Universities

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr.[1] History is replete with people being treated according to their...