Worth A Look

The Fall of the Midwest Economic Model: In 1970, the future seemed to belong to Michigan’s example of big companies and big unions. Not anymore.

President Obama has kicked off a three-day bus tour of Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois, where the corn is high and at least some factories are spewing smoke. He’s holding town-hall meetings on the economy, putting the unemployed back to work and “growing wages for everyone.” He won these Midwestern states handily in 2008, but he’s not taking anything for granted these days. The Midwest is the region with the largest number of target states.

The $25,000 Cow: That’s the average value of a milk quota per cow under a supply-management system

If it were proposed today to tax food—even at five per cent, never mind such punitive rates as these—it would be instant political suicide: consider the ruckus that erupts whenever some stray academic suggests the GST should apply to groceries. But because it is the status quo, and because the tax is implicit rather than explicit, and because “it’s to help farmers,” the policy is not only tolerated, it is impossible to remove. Or at least, it has been until now.

Paying For Unused Advice: When science doesn’t support political decisions on public safety, the politicians simply ignore it, writes Dan Gardner

Oh, politicians say their decisions are informed by science but that’s a fairy tale they tell sleepy children and reporters. In reality, politicians cite science when it supports decisions they want to make anyway, for other reasons, whether ideological or political. When science does not support their decisions, they ignore it.

Featured News

Health Insurance: Clear Diagnosis, Uncertain Remedy: Governments are increasingly turning to private insurance in order to widen access to health care and make it more efficient. Are they expecting too much?

“Governments want to spur private insurance in the hope of solving three big problems bedevilling their national systems of health care: inadequate access to care; soaring costs; and a paucity of innovation. They hope thus to improve their citizens’ health without tearing more holes in tattered public finances.”

Winds Of Change

“In a signing ceremony Thursday for a $7-billion deal with Samsung to build wind and solar facilities, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said: ‘This means Ontario is officially the place to be for green energy manufacturing in North America.'”